About Us

Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney
Born and raised in Los Angeles California, Seppi Esfandi has been defending clients for over 23 years. He is ranked among the top criminal defense attorneys in the state of California.
Esfandi graduated from the UCLA School of Law. With his storied background in criminal law he has helped thousands of clients in a wide spectrum of criminal cases. Esfandi has worked for over seven years as a Deputy Public Defender for various California criminal law agencies. He has a wide range of experience litigating varying criminal cases, including but not limited to: drug charges, DUI, vehicular manslaughter, domestic violence, sexual offenses, juvenile cases, theft and larceny, fraud, weapons and gun charges, probation violations, and white collar crimes. Seppi also has experience in slightly less common offenses, such as internet crimes, obstruction of justice, cruelty to children, child abandonment, child abuse, resisting arrest, hit and run, kidnapping, warrant-related cases, threatening phone calls, terrorist threats, and illegal search and seizure.
California State Bar
Client Relations
Isaac – Client Relations
Since 2010, Isaac G. has worked alongside many experienced criminal defense attorneys on countless cases in Los Angeles. Isaac G. is empathetic, insightful, and great at making clients feel at ease during times of difficulty and uncertainty.
Ana – Legal Assistant
How to Win Your Case
- Don’t ever talk to the police
- Do not discuss your case with anyone
- Everything you tell your lawyer is confidential
- Tell police you need to contact your attorney
- Never consent to any search by the police
- If the police knock on your door, don't answer!
- Realize the consequences of a criminal conviction
- Your lawyer (not you) will contact any witnesses
- Information on your cell phone is evidence
- Early Intervention is the key